Project Description for the Draft EIR; CEQA Support Services; Joint Technical Document Preparation Assistance; Preparation of Preliminary Closure/Post-closure Maintenance Plan; Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Services; assist in obtaining waste discharge requirements; Prepare Solid Waste Facility Permit Revision Application Package And Assist In Obtaining Revised SWFP.
SWT performed design for increased capacity for the two existing Septic ponds at the Landers Sanitary Landfill. The Design scope included modification of the existing Septage Ponds 1 and 2 (formerly 6.2 million gallons capacity) for added capacity and freeboard through the addition of a liner extension and increased pond berm height. The increased capacity for Ponds 1 and 2 was 6.3 million gallons for a total revised capacity of 12.5 million gallons, bringing total site capacity to 18.8 million gallons. A lined Land Farm area (1.6 acres) was added adjacent to the Septic ponds. SWT staff has also performed Septic Pond liner design at the Barstow Sanitary Landfill for San Bernardino County Waste System Division.