SWT Engineering has been providing engineering consulting services to the County of Santa Barbara, Public Works Department of Resource Recovery and Waste Management Division (RRWMD) since SWT’s inception and SWT staff has been providing services for the past 15 years. We have completed numerous projects successfully for RRWMD which include closure projects and all of the liner projects at the Tajiguas Landfill. Since the Non-Water Corrective Action Plans (NWRCAP) came out, SWT prepared the first plan for RRWMD’s active facility, Tajiguas Landfill.
A NWRCAP is a State regulation within the California Code of Regulations, Title 27 (27 CCR), Section 22101, effective July 1, 2011. Where the State requires preparation of a cost estimate to address all known or reasonably foreseeable non-water causal events for a solid waste landfill. Under this regulation there are two cost estimate options that a site may choose, the first one is for the operator to provide the cost and financial assurance for the complete replacement of the final cover system (a closure cost estimate). The second option is to submit a site-specific NWRCAP that addresses the potential damage that can be caused by a reasonably foreseeable causal event that exceeds the landfill’s existing design standards. Then based on the potential damage, a cost estimate is developed for restoration of the landfill to its original design standard. Potential reasonably foreseeable causal events to be considered, as identified by the California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) Proposed Best Management Practices (BMPs) for preparing site-specific non-water release corrective action plans include: earthquake, precipitation, flooding, fire, seiche, and tsunami.
For the Tajiguas Sanitary Landfill, SWT did a site specific NWRCAP by using the seismic analysis study, precipitation records with an hydrology study, flood, fire, seiche and tsunami maps, and the technical guidance and facts provided by CalRecycle. There were no additional costs required to address seismically-induced, flood or precipitation-related, or seiche and tsunami impacts for the site. As seismically-induced impacts were highly unlikely and outside the definition of a “reasonably foreseeable” impact or negligible and would not require mitigation. Flood and precipitation-related impacts have been deemed non-causal events and mitigations measures have already been developed in the site’s O&M. The seiche and tsunami impacts had no immediate potential damage to the site and were deemed non-casual events. There was potential for fire-related damages, where SWT applied the standards and guidance of CalRecycle to prepare the potential damage to the site. Based on the analyses of the NWRCAP for the Tajiguas Sanitary Landfill, it was concluded that the foreseeable release to groundwater was slightly less than the foreseeable impact due to the non-water fire hazards, therefore, the associated NWRCAP cost of the TSL was to be used.
SWT Engineering, Inc. (SWT) performed the design for the Phase IIA Liner Construction Project, including Plans, Project Specifications, and Design Report Preparation. The project was bid in March 2008. The low bidder came within less than 1 percent of the Engineer’s Cost Estimate of $6.6 million. SWT performed Construction Engineering Support, and Construction Management, with Construction Quality Assurance being performed by team members during the summer of 2008. SWT prepared the Phase IIB liner plans which were bid and constructed in 2009. This was primarily a slope liner construction consisting of two different liner systems. The first was a Geocomposite Clay Liner (GCL) and the second was a prescriptive Subtitle D standard. This design was used to enhance the slope stability for the area adjacent to the Pila Creek which has limited buttressing. This project was completed under budget and without any claims from the contractor. SWT performed conceptual design for re-permitting across an existing impacted creek; provided liaison between County and permitting agencies, and provided the Solid Waste Facility Permit (SWFP) revision. Additional Liner Projects and Design Reports prepared by SWT for SB County include Phases IIB, IIC, and IIIA Liner Projects; Out of Channel Basin Construction Project and Perimeter Drainage Channel Design. SWT staff has also performed design and construction engineering support for the Phase I and IB Liner construction projects.